Freddie try to speak with Effy. FREDDIE: Hi.
FREDDIE: You don't mind if I take this locker?
EFFY: You can take anything if you want it enough.
FREDDIE: Great. Everything's new and I suppose we should probably, like, you know, all get to know each other.
EFFY: Why?
FREDDIE: Well, um... I dunno. You definitely looked at me this morning, twice. I just thought, you know, maybe we could get to know each other.
EFFY: I look at lots of people. That doesn't mean I want to get to know them. Do you want me to want to get to know you?
FREDDIE: I, er, I wouldn't mind.
EFFY: Thing is, they want to get to know me too.
FREDDIE: They're just wankers.
EFFY: They're your best friends.
FREDDIE: OK, so they're my best friends.
EFFY: That makes it complicated.
FREDDIE: Um, I was hoping not. I'm Freddie.
EFFY: Tell you what, Freddie. Fill in a form.
FREDDIE: What's this?
EFFY: A list of things we're not allowed to do. Like that head director said before your bestest mate got his cock out. I was gonna see if I could tick 'em all before the end of the day. But this is much more interesting. First one to fill that out gets to... ..get to know me. And no cheating. I'll need evidence.
EFFY: Cos I wouldn't fuck a cheat.
this script is mostly dialouge with no movement or anything else included in the conversation. This gives the impression that the conversation taking place is important or significant as the writers wanted what was being said to be the main focous of peoples attention. This conversation is a development of things that took part earlier in the script as the character 'Freddy' kept mentioning how the character 'Effy' was always looking at him and how he wanted to talk to her. The conversation between them seems awkward as its the first thime they've spoken to each other this section of script shows the introduction between the two characters.
Holby city
One. Two. One. Two. Bag.
MALICK pauses. He views the heart monitor - no signal. He
resumes compressions. Across Keller, DAN with CHRISSIE
observe the scene with growing concern from the nurses’
We’ll get there. One. Two. Three.
Four. Five. Six.
An second N/s NURSE wheels the paddles over.
Did I ask for paddles? 13, 14.
Stung the N/s NURSE receives sympathetic looks off the other
N/s NURSE assembles. Suddenly an alarm goes off. Concerned,
CHRISSIE approaches to assist. Helpful she grabs the paddles
and holds them out for MALICK.
Don’t need them. 27, 28 script is focoused less on the dialouge and more on the actions and surroundings of the characters it is the actions and surroundings that drive the narrative and it is those that the audience are suppose to be taking note of and concentrating on, this could be because the dialouge that is taking place is mostly medical realted and the general audience wouldn't understand what they were talking about so they are encouraged to pay moreattention to the 'action' taking place. This is different to the first script as that was driven forward by the dialouge only.
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